Friday, September 13, 2024

Talking Head Injury

Laser-eye-lined game faces flood the electric air of the box

as limousines, slender and black, come down the block,

moving into position like tanks at the Western Front.

Surrogates for each campaign sauntering up to the bar.

Summoning the witch winds. Discussing the Latino

vote in battleground states: Are we at war?

Impersonating Nancy Pelosi,

the pink jacket and liberal jewels,

head bobbing like a pumpkin

at a Grateful Dead concert

Let us be healthier, stronger, all get along,

back to being productive, a real opportunity

to get back on our feet. Father Gawd!

Amazing what greed does to people.

Amazing what drugs do to people.

Amazing what amazement

does to people.

Do you mind if I 

rest for a few hours

beneath the sand

until I can stop the bleeding?

~ Douglas McDaniel

Mythville Bookstore

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